Can I play Idle Casino Manager for free?
Idle Casino Manager is completely free to play. And it will always be! Nevertheless, Idle Casino Manager offers an in-game shop where p...
What payment options are available?
ANDROIDOn Android, purchases are handled through the Google Play Store.For Google Specific Payment Options, see:https://support.go...
No prices are displayed in the shop!
When no prices are displayed in the shop, that means that the prices couldn't be pulled properly from the Play Store / App Store.Please make...
Why is the final cost of a purchase different from the displayed price?
In some countries, prices shown to buyers must equal the amount paid at time of payment. This means that all taxes (including VAT) must be i...
I have problems with my purchase!
Orders usually deliver instantly, but under some circumstances it may take longer. When such delays occur, it means the purchase is still be...
I want to request a refund!
If the purchase was non-accidental and the process was successful, items bought in our games (in-app purchases) are non-refundable, except i...
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